Sponsor Photo 3
“We are supported by donations from local churches, individuals, businesses, professional and civic organizations.”
Apply for Assistance
You are eligible to receive food from TEFAP if your household income falls below the poverty income guidelines (see reference chart included with the downloadable form) or if you participate in any of the programs listed in the document. Please download the form below for details.
Application Forms
Please select the appropriate link below to download the necessary form for the State of Alabama Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP). You can choose either the English or Spanish version of the Certification of Eligibility form.
Por favor, seleccione el enlace apropiado a continuación para descargar el formulario necesario para el Programa de Asistencia Alimentaria de Emergencia del Estado de Alabama (TEFAP). Puede elegir entre la versión en inglés o en español del formulario de Certificación de Elegibilidad.